Computer Languages


High Level Languages


  • High level lnaguages are the programming languages that programmers are farmiliar with. For exmple: Python and C++.
  • The code written in high level languages are easy for humans to write and understand but need to be translated into machine code for a computer to understand and run it.


  • One instruction in a high level language represents many instructions in machine code.
  • The same code works on many different machines and processors.
  • Code is easy to read, understand, and therefore, modify.


  • Must be translated into machine code in order for a computer to understand it and execute instructions.
  • There is minimal control over what the CPU actually does so programs will be less efficient and therefore, slower.

Assembly Language


  • Assembly language is an example of a middle level language.
  • Assembly language uses mneumonics which are predefined words to represnt the instructions needed to be executed.


  • Instructions are shorter so more memory and storage space saved.
  • Execution time is less because it is faster in speed.


  • One instruction in assembly code usually only represents one instruction in machine code.
  • Usually written for one type of machine or processor and will not work for any others.
  • Code is quite difficult to read, understand and modify.

Machine Code


  • Machine code is also known as low level language.
  • The code consists of only 0's and 1's.
  • Computers can directly interpret this type of language and execute its instructions.


  • Commands in machine code can be directly executed without a translator.
  • You control exactly what the CPU does and how it uses memory so programs will be more efficient therefore, faster.


  • Code is very difficult to read, understand and modify.